2008-08-17 15:57:30 UTC
The only issue I see with windmills are safety of birds.
Otherwise, I think they are beautiful.
Are people who hate wills prejudiced and being superfluous because:
1. Would they hate to visit the Netherlands in the earlier century?
2. Would they like the modern windmills to have an old windmill facade?
3. Would they like the modern windmill to play creaking sloshing sound recordings so they sound like old windmills?
4. Are they too gigantic to be pleasing to the eye?
I remember the old days when compact disk digital music first came out and there was similar superfluous critism from old vinyl lovers about the sound quality. So, we embedded circuitry into the players to reproduce the imperfections and defects of vinyl recording. I read about a study in which a group of vinyl lovers chose their beloved vinyl recording behind a wall which turned out to be a digital player. Today we also read of electric car makers having to put in a hi-fi system so that the car could reproduce a superfluous combustion engine revving sound.
Are windmill haters being superfluous?
I bet you that in coming generations, their children would be writing stories about childhood memories like "the reassuring sounds of the blades swishing as my childhood sweetheart and I sat and dipped our toes in the gentle flow of the gleaming stream and the trouts ..."
Aren't you people being plain superfluous?