I am for hunting for meat.
Hunting provides cash for wildlife agencies that help wildlife this comes from; duck stamps, hunting licenses, permits and other hunter expenditures.
Hunting controlled State and Federal agencies based on wildlife biologist’s recommendations, help reduce over population of animals in a given are. This reduces auto/deer accidents, winter starvation, crop damage, and attacks on humans by predators, reduces pets being killed by animals, reduces property damage and saves insurance companies billions. It also saves the tax payer billions by hunters doing the work government hunter would otherwise have to do.
Hunting provides meat for hunter’s families and the meat donated to the poor by hunter’s ads up to millions of pounds.
Hunting is also a tradition that dates back to the dawn of man. It is a very important part of many cultures.
Unlike animal slaughter houses that produce meat for the masses. Game taken by hunters has no injected hormones of anti-biotic’s. It has less fat and is far more healthy to eat. Also the animal had freedom before its death unlike livestock. Its death is much more humane and hunters do have compassion and respect for game animals.
Hunters are the first to find diseased animals in the wild, adding game management quick response to deal with such, saving many from death.
Data from hunters helps wildlife biologists greatly in their research.
Dangerous predators such as Grizzly bears, mountain lions and wolves can not be introduced to populated areas to control animal numbers. Hunters take their place with out placing many in eminent danger from large predators.
All animals eat living things to survive, even the vegan eats a living plant that was grown on a farm. The farm equipment inadvertently kills millions of small animals, such as rabbits, moles, gophers, mice and ground bird nests. Hunters are just on top of the food chain but contribute to nature in many ways.
The first conservationists were hunters; Teddy Roosevelt who set aside the first national parks was a hunter.
Hope this helped you understand hunting better.